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Tips For Dating Women Via Online Dating Sites

Online Dating SitesHave you considered dating women using online dating sites? This day and age, with technology advancing each and every day, the social dating norm is not the same as it was years ago. In fact, more and more people are turning to online dating sites to help them find love. Is it really possible? Can you really find love online? Studies and surveys have been conducted in America; Aaron Smith and Maeve Duggan, from pewinternet.org, wrote:

One in ten Americans have used an online dating site or mobile dating app; 66% of these online daters have gone on a date with someone they met through a dating site or app, and 23% have met a spouse or long term partner through these sites.

That goes to show that there are people out there that have had success with online dating sites, and you could too! Here are a few tips to help you out if you are new to the online dating scene.

Don’t Let Yourself Get ‘Catfished’

Most people have seen the popular MTV show, Catfish, hosted by Nev and Max, where people in online relationships get emotionally attached, and even fall in love with someone they have never met before. Many times, on this show, one or both of the people involved in the relationship are not who they claim to be. This is always something that you have to be careful about when you are dating online. Laurie Davis recommended on Huffingtonpost.com:

When you’re really into someone, it’s easy to let conversation get intense online. But virtual messages should be a way to eCourt each other, not the entirety of your connection. If you feel yourself getting emotionally wrapped up before meeting, get offline ASAP. Avoid feelings overload by making plans after six messages.

If you follow this as a general rule of thumb, you will be able to avoid getting emotionally involved with someone before you know if they are being honest about who they are. If you can’t arrange to meet, at least try to video chat with them to ensure that you aren’t being ‘Catfished’.

Be Honest About Who You Are

Sure, you hope that the women that you meet online are being honest with you about who they are, but it is just as important for you to be honest about who you are. Lisa L. Kirchner from technewsdaily.com puts it bluntly:

Sorry, you don’t look 10 years younger than you are, so don’t fib about your age. The same goes for height. And while few sites ask users to include their weight, optical-illusion photos won’t serve you in the long run. Be honest about your interests, too.

If you expect honesty from others when dating online, you must first make sure that you are being honest.

Take Precautions When Meeting for the First Time

When you find a woman online that you are interested in taking out on a date, you should always take safety precautions when you meet for the first time. You never know who you could be talking to when you are talking to someone online (i.e.- the ‘Catfish’). It is a good idea for you to meet in a public area that is well lit until you are comfortable with going somewhere that is more private. You hear far too many horror stories out there about people that have had bad experiences when meeting an online fling for the first time in real life. Don’t let yourself be the next victim because you didn’t take the proper precautions. In the end, online dating should be a fun way to meet women and to naturally build a relationship with the right person. By taking the right precautions, you’re putting yourself on the right road to getting there.

>>Click Here To Watch This Video on the 3 Biggest Internet Dating Lies and Mistakes Here<<
