Sit up straight! Class is in session 😉
So, welcome to Gentlemen’s University!

Scary pic..I know.
Working on it.
My name is Stan and I’m here to share with you things that I’m learning as I’m on a journey to become the “perfect gentlemen”.
No, I’m not talking about perfect manners and wearing a tuxedo!
I’m a regular dude, just like you, but I’m trying to become the best guy I can.
I love to learn (that’s my nerd genes) and trying new things and with the connections I have made over the last couple of years I want to share a ton of cool stuff with you.
To me the perfect gentlemen is one who is fit, has their relationships in check, has enough money to do as they please and has a sense of style.
Of course there’s way more to it…
but hey…those are the main things I’m gonna focus on here.
I on a mission right now to get into the best shape ever (not a bodybuilder look, more like Brad Pitt in Fight Club look) and just live an over all healthier life.
I’ve had some ups and downs with the ladies but I’m ready to get into a long term relationship but don’t worry. There’ll be stuff for you, no matter what your current status is.
As for the money part, I used to be an engineer.. making 6 figures and just playing on the computer in a cube is not a bad gig for some, but I hated being told what to do.
I’m a businessman. Entrepreneur.
I quit my J.O.B. over a year ago and am making more than 5 times what I used to. I’m not telling that to brag, I’m tell you because if you want to do the same I will be giving you information that can help you do the same.
Now, I work from all over the World and have met the top experts in all of the fields: Money (Business/Investing), Relationship (Sex, Dating, Pick up, etc..), fitness (weight loss, muscle building) and even some “wooh wooh” stuff to fix your mind….AND
I’m going to be bringing the BEST of the BEST information to you guys. Look, I’m obviously NOT an expert at all of these, but…
I’ll be interviewing some of the experts, will some write guest posts, I’ll curate some of their best info and I’ll even review their programs so if you want to learn more you can.
I really hope you find this “University” helpful, and I encourage you to comment and leave suggestions on the posts, so
- others can learn
- so we can help ya out and bring you exactly what YOU are looking for. You will steer all of the future information.
Let’s just call it an Interactive University.
I aim to post on the site multiple times a week, but join us on Facebook as well, cause I’ll update that daily. Click Here to go To Our FanPage. (Opens in new window)
Well, I think this intro was enough for now, I really hope you decide to join in this journey together.
If you are diggin the site, make sure to share it with your peeps.
Alright, Let’s chat on a post. Go leave a comment.
Stan S.