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Three Fitness Regimes That Really Work

There are so many different diets and fitness regimes out there on the market that it can be hard to determine just what does and doesn’t work. A really good place to start, however, is by figuring out just what you expect to achieve. Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to tone up a little bit? Do you want to become super muscular? All of these goals require different plans, so understanding your own situation is very important. You also have to think about the amount of time you have available and what you do and don’t enjoy. Last but not least, you have to consider how much money you have to spend. If, for instance, you have all the money in the world, you could simply hire yourself a personal trainer and let them figure out what is right for you. However, for those of us who are a bit more budget conscious, here are three plans that work for the different goals.

Fitness Plan to Lose Weight

If you want to lose weight, you have to first understand the workings of the human body, which is actually very easy. In order to lose weight, you have to use more energy than what you consume. However, in order to have sufficient energy, you do have to eat. This is why you should stay away from any type of starvation diet and you should also stay away from any plan that claims you can lose significant amounts of weight without doing any exercise. According to Live Strong

Basic workout principles will allow for weight reduction while maintaining or building muscular definition. A few hours a week can help you realize your fitness goals.

They recommend you do resistance training as well as eating healthily in order to lose weight.

Fitness Plan to Tone Up

Not everybody wants to look like a bodybuilder, but having some muscular definition is nice. For those of us who simply want to be a bit more toned Spark People, it is all about understanding the myths and truths about toning and bulking.

In the fitness world, there is no real definition for toning that is greatly recognized. Rather, toning is a term used to describe the end goal, which usually results from a combination of basic weight-lifting and fat-burning.

Hence, if you want to tone but not bulk, you have to eat right and workout plenty, particularly by doing weight lifting, but not in such a way that you start to push your own limits and turn into a bodybuilder.

Fitness Plan to Bulk Up

Lastly, there are those of us who want to look like Rambo. For those, completely different plans are needed again, and you usually also have to add a number of supplements in order to achieve this. As explained by Teen Bodybuilding

The bodybuilders’ most common pastime [is] trying to increase the efficiency of his/her program to maximize muscular gains.

This means you have to follow a very rigid program of eating, working out and supplementing. You should also do this with the support of people who know what they are talking about. As your body grows, your needs will change as well, which means you can’t simply follow the same plan for the duration of your workout regime. A good program will be based on eating six meals a day and on working out four days a week. Eating less will not be sufficient and working out more is dangerous for the body. Even the greatest bodybuilders of all times take a break every once in a while.

What are your goals?  Got any good tips?

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