Men are useless at emotional stuff. The whole Venus-Mars thing was never more true than when it comes to men and women understanding each other in relationships. Perhaps best explained by university professor Mark Gungor
Men’s brains are divided into boxes that never touch each other; and their favorite box is something of a mystery to women-it’s the “nothing box.” By contrast, women’s brains are full of connectivity, everything is
connected to everything, and women can jump topics extremely fast, often bewildering men.
As much as we can understand this, however, the reality remains that we have to – and want to – live together. And in order to do this, we need to find a harmony between the connectivity of women and the nothing box of men. So how do you do that? How can men behave in such a way that they can finally keep their woman happy?
Think Gay
All women have to have what is known as a “GBF” or Gay Best Friend. Your significant other may have her own GBF and you wonder what it is that keeps them two so close. The GBF is usually also an incredibly attractive man and most men have decided that women get close to gay men because they look great but think like women. They believe that by being with a gay man, they are actually with their ideal man – a female brain with a male body. However, this isn’t the case at all, and it is time men started to learn from their gay counterparts. According to Psych Central
A new study explores close relationships between straight women and gay men and finds that the glue that cements these unique relationships is honest, unbiased relationship advice.
Now, of course, it is a little bit hard to apply this to your own relationship, because it is impossible to give honest and unbiased relationship advice on your own life. After all, you will always be biased towards yourself. However, the key in this is that it is all about honest communication and that is what men need to learn.
Think Partnerships
You have to look at the relationship with your significant other as a partnership. In a partnership, both parties have to provide equal work, which amounts to equal gain. This means you have to work very hard at keeping her happy, and assume that she will do the same. Do remember that you deserve just as much work done on keeping you happy. If you feel that you are doing all the giving and she is doing all the taking, you are probably in the wrong relationship. However, before you pack your bags and head out the door, make sure you communicate honestly and openly. This will increase her respect for you and help her to understand how you feel and why. An entire book could also be written about what a woman can do to make a partnership work, but in this case we are only looking at what you can do. According to Healthy Relationship Advice
A skill you can immediately add to your toolbox is to learn to put your full attention on her when you are engaged in an important communication, even putting your full attention on her for five minutes! Many women feel that the men in their life aren’t really listening, or really “getting” what she is saying.
Other tips include learning how to appreciate her and how to romance her. The most important thing, however, is paying attention to her and listening to her. Women often feel that their man doesn’t listen and because they don’t listen, they won’t understand them and their feelings. Learn to listen and you will have won more than half the battle.
Think Perfection
Some would suggest that men and women actually aren’t very different. They have the same desires to be loved, protected and cared for. What is different, however, is that men seem to fit and believe in certain stereotypes more than women. Love Panky explains that
It’s not that all guys give up on romance easily, but most guys are convinced that the false stereotype that women are naggers and men are slackers is completely true.
This is something that you must learn to overcome if you have any interest in staying with the love of your life. See, once you have snared the girl, you must also learn to keep her. That is one thing that too many men do wrong: they think that once they are in a relationship, no further work has to be done on it. This is where they go wrong, which is why men have to snap out of that mindset and work their very hardest to be the perfect man. In the knowledge that you are doing everything you possibly can to become perfect, you will know that your woman will continue to be interested in you and will continue to do all she can to deserve your love. To achieve this, we have already said that you must communicate with her in an honest and open manner. You should also never take her for granted, she is and will always be, special to you. You must appreciate everything she does and show her this as well. Women also like surprise, so bring her home a little teddy bear or flowers every once in a while. Never make any major decisions without speaking to her first and try, as much as possible, to stay young at heart. Women like fun, not serious all the time. Never allow her to see you appreciating another woman’s body. Women are realistic enough to know that you will look – they do – but don’t ever look where she can see you. You have probably never noticed your woman noticing another bloke, have you? Be romantic and have real dreams that you work towards and involve her in those dreams. You can have the woman of your dreams and keep her with you forever.
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