Former CIA Officer Gives Up Secret Survival Techniques That Could Save You And Your Family In An Emergency Situation. All Sounds A Bit Over-Dramatic, Don’t You Think…
- Former CIA Officer Gives Up Secret Survival Techniques That Could Save You And Your Family In An Emergency Situation. All Sounds A Bit Over-Dramatic, Don’t You Think…
- What do you get for your money with Spy Escape and Evasion?
- Who is Jason Hanson?
- The Pros and Cons of Spy Escape and Evasion
- The Pros
- The Cons
- The Bottom Line
We don’t know about you, but the media certainly seems to be fuelling everyone’s paranoia about how dangerous it is to live in the 21st century. After all, if you believe all the headline grabbing stories that pepper the papers day in and day out, you’d never leave the house, would you? So when we came across Sky Escape And Evasion, a training program by former CIA Officer and Security Specialist, Jason Hanson, you’ll forgive us for immediately assuming that this is a guy doing his best to cash in on the media obsessed society that we live in.
But (and this is a big but), there is a whole lot of truth in the fact that violent crime seems to have become as commonplace in western society as it is in other corners of the world. You only need talk to friends, family and neighbors to realize this; everyone has a tale to tell about themselves or a close member of their circle.
So we decided to get down and dirty with Spy Escape And Evasion, and see if it really is something that might be worth spending your hard earned dollars on. After all, we all want to keep those close to us safe from harm – not to mention have an idea of what to do if, god forbid, we end up in some kind of emergency situation.
Below is our no-holds-barred review of Spy Escape And Evasion. And, even though we say so ourselves, it certainly makes for interesting reading…
What do you get for your money with Spy Escape and Evasion?

So, what Spy Escape And Evasion is all about is giving you the secrets, techniques and tips of survival that are usually only available to elite members of organizations such as the CIA. You can expect to learn such gems as the following:
- How to vanish without a trace: learn the two most important items you need to do this (and how to get them). And a simple 3-step process that’ll allow you to stay off the grid (for good, if you so want to). How to set up a secret email account and how to use a ‘break phone’ to stay several steps ahead of those you want to avoid.
- Create an Escape and Evasion Kit: with the 23 critical items that are essential to be included.
- Exploit social engineering: to get literally anything you need. Here you can expect to learn the very secrets that are used by the top intelligence agencies around the globe.
- Protect yourself with improvised weapons: if the situation is so bad that you need to do so. Here you’ll discover how to protect yourself in an emergency survival situation.
- Become an escape artist: and learn how to free yourself from duct tape, rope, plastic zip ties and other restraint situations.
- Learn how to detect liars: and literally become a human lie detector. Discover the foolproof method that allows you to read people to tell if they’re telling the truth.
- How to detect and evade surveillance: from anyone who might be following you for whatever reason.
And this is only a snapshot of what you can expect to learn in the Spy Escape And Evasion training.
All of this is provided in two ways. Either live training, whereby Jason himself is visiting a few select cities to provide face-to-face training (limited to 60 people per city). But if this isn’t an option, then you can follow the very same course though the life-altering online training. This method gives you all the information via DVD, video and audio for you to follow and re-visit whenever you want to.
Who is Spy Escape and Evasion for?
You may well think that this is only a product for those who live or work in dangerous areas. But, on the contrary, this is a product that will suit every single person living on the globe. After all, how often do people get mugged? What about burgled, tied up in their own homes or suffer rape and/or sexual assaults. And, let’s face it, natural and man made disasters happen all the time – and if you have a better than average knowledge of emergency survival techniques, then the chance of you and your loved ones being able to ride out the storm immediately rise a hundred-fold.
Who is Jason Hanson?
Mr. Hanson might well have come to your attention following his appearance on the hit ABC TV show, Shark Tank. He’s a former CIA Officer and a Security Specialist who certainly knows his stuff when it comes to survival. And it’s this training that he’s sharing with you in the Spy Escape And Evasion training course. This course provides a whole lot more information than he revealed on Shark Tank. After all, there’s only so much that can be squashed into a short TV program. But with Spy Escape And Evasion there’s no such time restriction. This gives you the chance to learn the techniques and tactics that the CIA spent over 6 figures training their members to know.
The Pros and Cons of Spy Escape and Evasion
The Pros
- This is information that’s not usually available to the general public. You can take advantage of techniques and methods that usually only the world’s elite intelligence and fighting agencies get to learn.
- The skills provided in Spy Escape And Evasion are real life skills. And once learned, you can pass them onto the rest of your family so they too can benefit.
- The way the online training is provided makes the course not only easy to follow, but fun too. And it’s well presented, meaning that the learning curve is fast – after all, who wants to spend hours scrolling through reams and reams of text when you can learn via DVD, video and audio.
- Not only is the course well presented, but it’s fun and exciting too. It will give you a whole new way of looking at your surroundings, safety and awareness, making your lifestyle much safer and enjoyable – both when you’re at home or when travelling abroad.
The Cons
Well, probably the biggest so-called ‘con’ will be your own doubts that this is a life skills course that you really need. After all, is it really necessary to know how to defend yourself in an emergency situation…? Of course it is! But d’you know what? The very best thing about Spy Escape And Evasion is that the skills you learn will be ones you use in everyday life as well, not just when the proverbial hits the fan… After all, what if you’ve got a crazy ex who won’t leave you alone? Or someone who’s jealous that you got that promotion and not them? How about when you lock your keys in your car – wouldn’t you like to know how to pick the lock, so saving yourself the expense of smashing a window or having to call out a locksmith?
The Bottom Line
Well, we certainly have to admit that we weren’t sure about Spy Escape And Evasion when we first came across it. And whilst we still do think that it’s slightly living on the media fright frenzy that we currently live in, there are a whole load of life skills in this program that really will enhance your day-to-day living.
And this includes everyday problems (such as the aforementioned locking your keys in the car). After all, who wants to be an easy target for those muggers that roam your city, town or village every single day of the year? What Spy Escape And Evasion teaches you is how to become a ‘hard’ target, and one that most people with criminal intent will leave alone.
So whilst it may well teach you techniques that honestly could save your life, it also teaches you how to avoid being in those situations in the first place. And that, in our humble opinions, is the most valuable asset that any product could give you. In a nutshell, Spy Escape And Evasion rocks…!