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New Places To Meet Women

Best Places to Meet New WomenAll guys should know about the typical places to meet a woman. Coffee shops have always been in vogue and going out to a club on a Saturday night is as effective as any other method. But there are a whole new slew of places you can find yourself with the intention of meeting someone of the fairer sex. A lot of women tend to look in unorthodox places for love. Because of this, there are a whole lot of new avenues for pursuing that romantic liaison that has escaped you thus far. Here’s a look at some of the new, trendy places you could go to in order to find women who you may have that click with.

Dance Classes

From Zumba to ballroom dancing, there are always dance classes where the women far outnumber the men. Even in the animal kingdom, dancing plays an important role in selection of a mate. The Economist says,

The need to identify a suitable mate is such a strong biological urge that the animal kingdom has spawned a bewildering array of courtship rituals.

In the case of human beings, dance classes give you the unique opportunity to partner up with a girl who you may not have known before. Because of the nature of women outnumbering men in these situations, it’s likely you will partner with multiple women, giving you the opportunity to get to know them while you’re dancing or preparing to dance. It’s a great idea for shy guys especially since it forces them to come into contact with women and removes that biggest hurdle of approaching a girl.


Lots of single women these days prefer the company a dog rather than that of a boyfriend. But the downside of a dog is that they have to walk him or her regularly and that makes it ideal to meet girls such as these in dog parks as they take their pooch out for a stroll. Science20 concludes,

While women are vaguely suspicious of men who own cats, they love men who own dogs.

Having a dog is a good place to start in meeting a girl with a dog, but it is a huge responsibility. If you’re already a dog person or a dog owner, then go for it. If, however, you intend to own a dog just to pick up the chicks, then that’s not so great an idea.

Acting Classes

As unconventional as it is quirky, acting classes provide a great place to meet someone new. They also provide you with a relaxed atmosphere that allows you to flirt freely and casually, while at the same time giving you a chance to get to know the person you’re talking to. It’s like a club without the loud, obnoxious music that requires you to scream at the top of your lungs. Because of the relaxed atmosphere, you’re going to find that a lot of the banter is fun and witty. Artsy chicks and smart chicks usually go to acting classes, so you will have a pretty wide range to meet someone who clicks with you.

As you can see, the major places for meeting someone have changed from the 90’s quite a bit. Although you’re still going to find girls in the traditional hangouts, you’re more likely to find them in these by-the-way locations. The best part about this is that it’s relatively easy to get into these places and meeting new people is part of the program, so that even shy guys can get in on the action. Being honest with yourself and your new friends makes you a more desirable person on the whole, so once you find someone who matches your personality, it’s easy to remain being on authentic terms with them as it segues into a relationship.
