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How To Meet Single Women In Your Neighborhood

Meet Single Women In Your NeighborhoodIf you’re new to the dating scene, or maybe just showing back up after a long sabbatical, you may be wondering where you can go to meet women. Meeting women is not as hard as it seems, and a romantic opportunity may be right in front of your eyes if you know where to look. Matthew K. Porter of IMustDateHer.com has the opinion that,

What you need to do is to be observant. Wherever you go to on your daily schedule, chances are there will be women there. You may go to your work place or school, or do your groceries and shopping. If you keep your eyes open, you’ll find that they are everywhere.

In order to actively meet women, you must go out of your way to go to places women will be. Sure you can go to a bar or a club, but most women are not at a bar to meet someone they can have a relationship with. They are there to have a great time, and maybe meet their Mr. Right Now. Now if a short term fling is what you are after, a bar might not be such a bad idea. But what if you want something more substantial? Joe Weber, a guest poster at artofmanliness.com wrote,

The reality is very few relationships begin in bars and pubs. According to a survey by sociologist David Grazian, only 20% of adults met their most recent partner at a bar. So there has to be other places to meet a woman, right?

He is absolutely correct! Some of the best places to look for women are right around your neighborhood. They might not be some of your usual spots, but sometimes you have to step outside your comfort zone in order to make things happen. First you should figure out what type of woman you are interested in. Then, you should take steps to look in places where that type of woman would be. Here are a few places that you should check out when looking for that special lady.


First of all, before you start looking for love interests at work, know your company’s policy on dating and fraternization between co-workers. Many companies have rules that prohibit employee dating, especially between employees and superiors, but if not, your workplace can be a great place to find someone. It would be easy to strike up a conversation work related, and see where it goes from there.

The Gym

If you frequent the gym, there are bound to be ladies that you have seen or talked to that you would like to get to know more. You already have the fact that you care about your health in common, so that can be a great place to start. Most ladies don’t go to the gym with the idea of meeting a new mate, but if you approach the situation cautiously, there may be a way for you to strike up a conversation that can lead to a date.

A Mutual Friend’s House

Most everyone has friends, well at least one or two anyway. Talk to them and see if they have anybody in mind for you. Your friends know you better than anyone, and are likely to be able to suggest who might be best suited to your likes and dislikes. If you get invited to a friend’s BBQ or any other event at a friend’s home, dress like you would if you were planning on meeting someone. Maybe you can find someone with mutual interests to chat with, and perhaps develop something more.

The Supermarket

We have heard the funny stories about meeting women in the produce section, but there may actually be something to that. Break Studios Contributing Writer BWalter had this to say about looking for women in grocery stores;

Women do eat too. It’s not a bad place to run into someone. And, their food choices say a lot about them. If she’s loading up on nothing but junk, she’s probably not the healthiest person. But, maybe you have that in common with her.


So, even though you are planning to meet a local lady, you might want to entertain the thought of a dating website. Going online to look for a mate is really convenient, and you can do a few quick searches of people that match your interests in your area. You can chat with a few different ladies online, and even set up dates. But keep in mind that many women are a bit hesitant to meet guys from off the internet. Not all woman will jump at the opportunity to have a private date with a stranger they have never met before.

You will want to assure her that her safety is your top priority, and that you will take whatever step necessary to make sure she feels safe and comfortable. You might suggest phone calls to check in with a friend, taking separate cars and meeting in a public place, and maybe setting up an afternoon coffee date instead of a nighttime rendezvous. These are all ways to make those first few meetings enjoyable ones.

Take Your Time

In addition to all the places we already mentioned, you can find a gal at the car wash, coffee shop, the park, the bank, church, practically anywhere. Amir Aczel, Ph.D., a former professor of mathematics and statistics at Bentley University offered this dating advice,

In the stock market, diversification is critical to reducing risk, In dating, the same rule applies. You should vary the places you go, and when you go there. This diversification will result in increased probability of meeting women who respond well to you.

Don’t come across as needy and desperate when looking for a woman. Take your time, and be wary of becoming an annoyance. Project an aura of confidence and pay attention to her social cues. If she acts like she doesn’t want you to talk to her, chances are, she probably doesn’t.
