Women say that it’s difficult to read men and figure out what they want out of a relationship, but any man knows that women are the truly frustrating sex when it comes to signals, games, and whether or not there’s any kind of romantic spark involved. Sure, you can always just man up and ask a woman how she’s feeling about you, which in some cases might be exactly what you need to hear in order to get up the courage to pursue her, but if you’re not feeling quite so brave, you might just need a few pointers on how to know if somebody is interested.
Her Body Language
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A woman’s body language will tell you a number of things that her voice never can. Pay attention to the little signs she gives you as you go along, because she may not even realize that she’s doing it at this point. Natalie Kilgore and Kevin Allen of How Stuff Works writes:
Be on the lookout for a girl who crosses her legs toward you and plays with her hair while holding your gaze. While you don’t want to have a weird staring contest, eye contact is important; it shows you have confidence, which is extremely attractive.
Girls who make eye contact and excuses to reach out and touch you when you’re talking probably have another agenda than just being great pals.
You See Her Around
One way you can definitely tell if she’s into you is if you find that you see her around a lot more than two people should see each other. Of course this observation isn’t for men and women who live or work together, but if you catch site of her around an area that she knows you frequent, or she makes an excuse to drop by your work for something, she probably wants you. Cheryl James of lovepanky.com says:
If you don’t know this girl or haven’t been introduced to her, and you still see her out of the blue in places where you like hanging out, she may want to catch your eye.
This can be true of women that you already know as well, they just may not be as obvious when it comes to getting noticed in these areas.
Teasing Flirtations
A fairly uncomplicated and obvious way to tell if a woman is into you is if she puts off any signs of flirtation, especially the kind that picks or pokes fun at you. Women tend to get playful when they find something that they want but aren’t sure how to achieve it. She might joke with you more often than you’re used to, tease you about how much gel you use, or how often you wear a shirt. It might seem like this teasing is the opposite of flirting, but before you get down in the dumps about it, consider the second and third grade and how you probably reacted to the girls that you liked in your class by pulling pigtails. This is pretty similar, except all grown up and nobody ends up in detention. The Seduction Initiatives Baltimore Group explains:
Flirting doesn’t always have to be physical; it can involve words and the way that girls communicate with you, as well. In fact, if a girl always tries to make you laugh by teasing you and if she works hard to connect with you, then that is already one of the clearest signs that a girl likes you.
Don’t be too hard on her; instead, take the time to flirt and tease back on her level and show her that you’re interested too. It may seem juvenile, but if it works, there’s no point in breaking an age old system.