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Health And Fitness For Men Over 50

Once men hit the age of 50, his levels of testosterone start to drop significantly. They start to pile on excess weight, mainly around the chest and belly. According to the Mayo Clinic

Excess fat carried around the midriff increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, some cancers and type 2 diabetes.

It is very important for men of that age, therefore, to ensure they take part in a health exercise regime to reduce the risks of those deadly conditions occurring. However, you do need to make sure that you consult your doctor before you start on a new exercise program.

Fitness Concerns for the Over 50s

The older our bodies get, the more concerns are associated with our bodies. A few common problems include loss of strength, endurance, flexibility, balance and stability. Furthermore, the over 50s are particularly sensitive to cold, heat and humidity and more susceptible to receiving cuts and bruises as well as abrasions associated with diabetes. The elderly also frequently experience vision changes, a decline in memory and they are often not capable of exercising strenuously for more than 45 minutes. This is due to their insulin levels no longer being stable. According to BodyBuilding.com

These are all common factors associated with training someone who is older than 50 and certainly older than 65-70 years of age. When dealing with individuals who have special needs, it is always best to include those individuals into a group that is adapted and supportive of their own similar needs.

Exercises Suitable for the Over 50s

The exercises that are suitable for the over 50s depend entirely on the capabilities of the individual person, as well as their needs and desires. It is not uncommon for people over the age of 50 to want to take part in bodybuilding, although the vast majority simply wants to stay fit. Some want to go to a gym on a daily basis, others want to do some exercises at home. This is why it is incredibly important to make sure the over 50s work with a personal trainer to device a workout plan that is suitable to their level. This must then be reviewed regularly to see whether it needs to be made more or less intensive.

In terms of what men can do at home, the exercises that are good for them include lunges, pushups, planks and supermans. AZ Central explains:

Supermans, or back raises, are essential for combating poor posture.

Because most men over 50 have office jobs, meaning that they sit hunched over computers all day long. This leads to very poor posture and can cause untold health problems. Using back raises, they ensure they are not left with permanent back problems. As such, this simple exercise also allows them to be more productive and to have fewer days where they have to call in sick.

Why it Is Important to Be Physically Active Over 50

Some people may feel that once they have reached the age of 50, they have earned their rest. They feel that a little bit of extra fat is not undesirable or unattractive, and that they will simply purchase some trousers with a wider waste belt. However, they forget that they are quite literally cutting years off their lives in doing so, and that exercise does not need to be something that is tedious or annoying. WedMD explains

Make physical activity a part of your everyday life. Find things you enjoy. Go for brisk walks. Ride a bike. Dance. Work around the house and in the yard. Take care of your garden. Climb stairs. Rake leaves. Do a mix of things that keep you moving and active.

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