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Are You Spending Hours On Workouts? Try This instead

How many of us spend hour upon hour in the gym doing various bodyweight exercises? We push ourselves to the most extreme of our abilities just to be able to get a slightly leaner body and get rid of excess fat. However, it now transpires that you may as well workout at home, for no more than 4 minutes a day.

Learning from Craig Ballantyne

Craig Ballantyne is well known in the world of workouts and he has recently released a new video that details just why a four minute workout a day is just as good as endless gym sessions.

Bodyweight resistance training [is] the ultimate fat loss key that can trigger fat loss that is not only faster, but also much more fun and less time consuming.

It is certainly true that people often lose the will to stick to their workout plans because they don’t enjoy them at all. They may be able to push themselves for a few weeks, but after that, their attention will start to fall and they give up. Besides the fact that short workouts work better if people remain motivated, it is also true that these shorts bouts actually work better overall.

There is actually overwhelming evidence as to why cardio exercises don’t work. These have all been scientifically researched and published in outstanding medical papers. According to Home Workout Revolution

Cardio doesn’t work for FOUR reasons.

These reasons are that people who do cardio often find themselves consuming more calories, the fact that fat burning becomes very slow after the cardio exercises have been completed, lean tissue, perfect for burning fat, is often lost by those who do cardio and the programs actually make you be less active during the day overall.

Making a Home Gym

For some people, doing high intensity, short interval training at home is great. Others, whoever, prefer a greater variety on their workout routine and prefer to go out running and enjoy the fresh air. Other still really want to use different apparatus in order to work out. Each of these options are fine, as is the desire to continue to use real gym apparatus. However, these sorts of machines are incredibly expensive, particularly if you don’t use them all that much and many people therefore resent paying out money on equipment for their own bodyweight workouts. However, there are now programs out there, which will allow you to build your very own gym at home, using products that you are likely to already have lying about. And if not, you can pick them up for very little money. A great description on what you could do is provided by The Art of Manliness.

Men strive for efficiency. We are creatures that look for ways of getting the maximum amount of benefit from the least amount of time invested. We look for the straightest path to achieve our goals.

The Art of Manliness has provided an easy to follow guide, which even the world’s worst DIY-er should be able to follow without running into problems. The PVC gym allows you to do a huge range of exercises, meaning you could spend your daily four minutes doing different bodyweight workouts. Remember that an important issue is that you don’t get bored with your routine, so this system will make sure that there is enough variety for you to continue to be entertained. Four minutes truly is all it takes, and four minutes is something most people have to spare here and there, even though we are consumed by our busy lifestyles. Give it a go and see the results for yourself.

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