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An 8 Week Home Training Camp That Can Cut Weight AND Build Muscle To The Same Level Of Working Out With A Personal Trainer?  Come On, We All Know That’s Not Possible… Don’t We? We don’t know about you, but we get pretty fed up with the constant training programs that get offered to the [...]

Once men hit the age of 50, his levels of testosterone start to drop significantly. They start to pile on excess weight, mainly around the chest and belly. According to the Mayo Clinic Excess fat carried around the midriff increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, some cancers and type 2 diabetes. It is very [...]

So you got a hot friend…and you screwed it up? She says she “just wants to be friends” but you want more. Well Josh is a badass with women and in this video he shows you how to get out of the “friend zone” and becoming a bleep on her radar. Check it out now, there’s [...]

Men are useless at emotional stuff. The whole Venus-Mars thing was never more true than when it comes to men and women understanding each other in relationships. Perhaps best explained by university professor Mark Gungor Men’s brains are divided into boxes that never touch each other; and their favorite box is something of a mystery [...]

Sold Out After a Crisis is a self-help survival guide that promises to deliver tips and advice on what to do and what not to do during an emergency crisis. The guide mainly features 37 food items that one should stock up on even before a crisis strikes. This is certainly not the first self-help [...]

The flu comes around every single year and we all hope we don’t get it. Some of us choose to take the flu jab, but a lot of people would rather not. First of all, you don’t really know what you’re being injected with and, secondly, the flu jab often leaves people feeling quite sick [...]