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The Adonis effect is that effect we all spot in a crowded room. Some guy walks in and all the women fall silent and turn towards him, instantly attracted. Men all over the world want to achieve this, but find it completely impossible. In comes the Adonis index, which is essentially a measurement to determine [...]

With so many online dating sites to choose from, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find the one that is right for you. Each of the sites claims to be the best and to have the greatest track record when it comes to making the perfect match. Some are going so far as to say [...]

An increasing number of people have become interested in real estate investing over recent years. The global crash of the housing market was a disaster for those who lost their homes, but it made real estate investing more accessible for everyday people who did still have some capital behind their name. However, the market is [...]

How many of us have been in a situation where, after much hard work, we have finally managed to land a date. We prepare ourselves, get groomed and think of some great conversation topics. We show up on time, behave like a gentleman and generally have a pleasant evening. Going home afterwards feeling like this [...]

MMA stands for Mixed Martial Arts. It was developed mainly by athletes involved in Ultimate Fighting, who wanted to have better moves. Naturally in that line of sport, safety has to be the number one priority. This means that the training was designed in such a way that anyone should be able to do it, [...]

Having six pack abs is about the ultimate goal for anybody that wants to work out. However, it also seems to be the hardest to achieve. Defining any other muscle seems to go ok, but when it comes to those six packs, we can crunch and pull, push and bend as much as we want, [...]