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This list is from a lady perspective.  Some I agree on and some I don’t.  Curious to hear your thoughts. 1. Have a signature drink that you both can make at home after a long day’s work, and order with effortless swag at any bar you happen to be in. (This means no complicated ingredients [...]

Dating And The Modern Man

Dating a Modern Man

In the earliest days of prehistory, dating was usually associated with clubbing your wife over the head and dragging her back to your cave. Nicholas Ruddick of the University of Regina says, There is absolutely no physical, anthropological evidence whatever to indicate that our Paleolithic ancestors behaved thus… Even so, courtship in the earliest stages [...]

A Comprehensive Systematic Solution To Beat The Time Bomb That Is Our Country’s Future.  Come On, Surely There’s Not A System Out There That Can Provide You With The Means TO Truly Protect Your Assets In Today’s Fragile Economy…? So, any self-aware trader knows that today’s volatile markets leads to a difficult (or nigh-on impossible) [...]

The Tao of Badass is a course that promises to teach men how to be more confident around women and hold their own in various situations with the opposite sex. Developed by Joshua Pellicer who is a well-known dating coach, The Tao of Badass literally means “The Way of Badass” – something that most men [...]

If you really want to spark attraction and get a girl, then you MUST avoid these 7 texting mistakes that are killing you.  There is also great information on what you should be doing.  The good stuff starts at about minute 3. >>Click Here To Get Magnetic Messaging<< Rating: 

Do You Hate Rich People?

My girlfriend sent me this Facebook status from one of her FB “friends” yesterday.   The last line was kinda funny… but his attitude about the whole situation is pretty sad. I hear guys complain all the time about their “situations” but fail to do anything about it. I know the guy in the status [...]