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Meeting Women Made Easy: Tips And Tricks For The True Gentleman

Meeting women is seemingly every man’s goal, but how does one actually go about achieving it? First of all, understand that there is more to meeting women than meets the eye. Some people just seem to be naturals at it, and manage to surround themselves constantly meeting women made easywith attractive women. In fact, being great at meeting new people is one of the most important skills to possess as a gentleman and a well-rounded individual, and fortunately, it is almost entirely a learned skill. Read on for some great tips on how to get better at meeting people. Once you get better at meeting people, meeting women will naturally follow.

Defeat Fear
Start caring about yourself. And I mean that in the nicest way possible. Care about your appearance, care about the way you dress, care about the way you smell, and care about the things that you say, but stop caring what other people think of you. Specifically, stop being so self-conscious about your possible failings.Say you see a beautiful woman while you’re shopping in the supermarket. Maybe you should go up and talk to her, you think. But on the other hand, maybe you shouldn’t. You begin to rationalize your fear of failure to yourself. She’s tired after a long day of work. She looks really busy. She might be wearing headphones and then you’ll look like an idiot. You start thinking of all the things that could go wrong, and you end up not talking to her.

Most men fear rejection because it lowers their self-esteem. But there is really no reason to lose any confidence when women say “no”, because they aren’t really rejecting you.

Realistically, the worst case scenario is you’ll talk for a moment and then she’ll politely excuse herself, leaving you with a learning experience to analyze and improve on for next time. The upside, on the other hand, is quite considerable – a potential new friend or romantic partner. Now simply apply this thinking every time you see a woman who you are interested in. Get started today with this simple task:Walk up to a complete stranger of the opposite sex, compliment her, and ask her for her phone number. Do this once per day until it no longer feels uncomfortable. Now you are on the way to getting over your fear of failure.

Present Yourself Well

Once you are over your fear of rejection, the next step in successfully meeting women is to present yourself well. While we were all taught as kids that it is wrong to judge a book by its cover, the reality is that first impressions count for a lot. Whether you like it or not, men are actually even guiltier of this than women. How many times have you judged someone by their makeup, their clothes, or their hairstyle? The reality is that women are doing the exact same thing to you.

The funny thing is she might not even realize the mental checklist forming in her head. But make no mistake; she’s ticking off good and bad boxes. And you know what they say about first impressions – you only get to make one.

How do you deal with this? Start by buying some nice clothes, if you don’t already have them. You don’t need to wear a suit and tie every time you step out of the house, but you should be wearing your gym clothes for a night out on the town, either.Make sure that you’re composed and put-together when you’re out; especially if you’re going out for a date, or somewhere you might run into a women in whom you’re interested. This means you should put on some nice clothes, as well as a pair of clean, well-kept shoes. Accessorize with a watch and a decent jacket, if weather calls for it. Finally, ensure that your hair looks neat and clean, with a little bit of product. Careful not to overdo it on any front, as too much is often worse than too little.

Know Where to Look

Now that you’re over your fear of rejection, and you’re started thinking about how to present yourself effectively, it is important that you start looking in the right places to meet women. The obvious choice is to look for women in bars and clubs; this will not win you any points for creativity, nor will it likely lead to any lasting, meaningful, relationships. Instead, try checking out a few alternative options, which are likely to lead to much more success.

Take a Class

Cooking, Yoga, Acting, Spanish. Choose something that you have always wanted to learn more about, and sign up for a group class. The benefits are threefold: You’ll get better at something that you always wanted to learn how to do, you’ll save money compared to hiring a private tutor, and you’ll have a great chance to meet new people. Even if you don’t meet a stunning new woman every class, you’ll generally make yourself a more attractive person by broadening your interests along with your social network.

Join a Gym

This suggestion gets thrown around all the time, and often in a completely inappropriate manner. I do not mean that you should join a gym so that you can harass women mid-workout. What I mean is that gyms often attract people from around the area who frequent the place and spend a lot of time there. Over time, you’ll get to see the same people, and start to form relationships with some of them. However, signing up for a couple of yoga or kickboxing classes, which consist primarily of women, will certainly help to expedite this process.


Not only does a bit of volunteer work let you help the world while feeling better about yourself, but it can also help you meet people, and in turn, meet attractive women. In fact,

A 2008 study published in the British Journal of Psychology showed that women consider altruism more important in a mate than men do.

If nothing else, it will provide you with another activity that you’ll be able to talk about with others interested in the same field.Now, you can only learn so much from reading about this. Take this advice, get out into the world, and put it into practice.
