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How To Seduce A Woman And Make Her Attracted To You

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Chiiicckks man.

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Missed anything?  Check out the transcript here…

What’s going on and welcome back. Today we’re going to be talking about
seduction. I know it’s every guy’s favorite thing to talk about. And how to
build sexual tension and sexual escalation with a woman. And the first
thing I really want to go over is that I think you should really understand
what seduction truly is. And how to actually use it to your advantage
without creeping people out.

The biggest mistake that men make is they don’t, not the biggest mistake.
But this is a mistake I see at bars, if you’ve ever been afraid of being
caught creepy, or you’ve been caught creepy before. It’s a really crappy
thing to be called. But the reason why guys are creepy or actually creep
women out in the first place, is because they don’t realize that seduction
comes later on in interaction. It can be very quick in an interaction, but
it comes after some very crucial steps that have to happen. And if you just
check box, like check these other steps off, like, Okay, I got this one
done, got this one done, got this one done. Then you can go to seduction,
and you can be sexual, and it’s completely fine. If you just try to jump
straight to it, you don’t really understand what it means to attract women.
You don’t understand how women operate, and that’s why women think that
you’re creepy.

So, seduction can be used in a very powerful way. And if you have a
relationship, it’s what holds, sexually holds the relationship together.
It’s that bond that keeps the two of you together. If you have, if you’re
not in a relationship, and you’re just single, it is probably the most
powerful manly tool that you can use at your disposal to turn women on. So,
knowing how to seduce a woman that you’ve just met is a very, very
empowering thing to know. And so, what I’m going to go over today is I’m
going to go over what seduction is and sort of how to do it in a really,
really short sort of explanation on how to do a couple techniques that are
really quick and easy.

So, first, what is seduction? Well, seduction is, I guess, contrary to
popular belief, seduction is not necessarily sexual. Now, I need to explain
what I mean by that. Seduction is an overload of your emotional grain and a
deadening of your logical brain. So, here’s how this works. Your brain is
two different major hemispheres. And they basically control, one controls
emotion and one controls logic. The problem is they share resources. So, if
you’re being very logical, you’re not being very emotional at all. So, if
you’ve ever been in a position where you’re very, very logical about
something, you’ve probably noticed you can make kind of hard decisions that
otherwise would have been kind emotional decisions. And it’s easy for you
to do. For example, firing someone, or you know, making a purchase
decision, or whatever it happens to be. If you’re logical at that moment,
then your emotional brain is deadened. Now, it’s also the other way around.
If your emotional brain is heightened, you will make really stupid
decisions, sometimes, and usually very emotional decisions. Because your
logical brain is dead, is deadened at that moment. So, if your emotional
brain is very heightened, your logical brain is deadened.

So, when you go through rapport, which is the second stage of an
interaction, you are heightening the emotional brain in a woman, and in
yourself, to be honest. And what you’re doing there is you are exciting
that emotional brain so much that their logical brain starts to drop down.
And when it drops down to a certain point, they begin to make emotional
decisions. Now, there is a certain point at which a woman’s logical brain
would drop. And when it gets past that point, they get what is called a red
zone response. And this is where, if they get too emotionally excited too
early, before they build a lot of trust, then they will automatically
reject an entire situation. You, and everything having to do with you, and
they will leave. Because they’re afraid they’re going to make a bad
decision in that moment. And so, what you want to do, is you want to keep
her emotionally heightened, and usually that’s as simple as sharing an
emotional story.

That emotionally heightens women. And also, like I said, it has nothing to
do with sex at this point yet. You’re just going to start to share your
emotions and draw at her emotions. And try to transfer that. I have a
rapport formula. Again, I go over it in my traction blue print that I gave
away for free for downloading the last video. I’ll actually put it below
for downloading this video, too. Check it out, and go over a little more
detail if you want to. But, it’s just a flow chart where I talk about how
to get through a traction and through rapport. And, so once you get through
rapport, you can build this connection, this strong emotional attachment
with each other. Then you are assured that she has a heightened emotional

Now, what this means is that once you add sexuality into that situation,
you have seduction. And seduction is basically that heightened emotional
brain, a deadened logical brain, and any kind of sexual context added in.
And that’s what creates powerful seduction.

So, if you just try to walk up and inject sexuality, it’s not going to
work. If you just try to walk up and build emotional attraction, and build
that emotional space, but never inject sexuality, that won’t work either.
So, what you want to do, is you want to do both, sort of simultaneously, or
at least one right after the other. So that you have that heightened
emotional brain and you add that sexuality.

One of the best ways that I kind of talked about briefly in the last video,
is that you can build sexual attraction by thinking about things that turn
you on sexually. So, this would be, again, you want to wait until you’re
having an emotional conversation with a girl before you start to do this.
You can skip steps, and you can actually do this really early if you know
what you’re doing. But I wouldn’t suggest doing that yet. It’s sort of an
advanced technique. And you need to know everything that I teach in the Tao
of Badass in order to be able to do that. There’s no way you’d be able to
do it other than that. Other than knowing what I know.

But, if you are having that emotional rapport conversation, and you start
thinking about something. For example, thinking about whatever turns you
on, man, whatever it is. I mean, if it’s seeing a girl bend over, if it’s,
you know, tits. If it’s thinking of someone sucking your cock. Whatever you
have to do. You know, just think about whatever it is. And start to get
turned on, yourself. And as you’re having this sort of normal conversation,
and you start to get turned on. Her subconscious mind is going to start to
register your dilating pupils, your, you know, your slightly clenched jaw,
your straightened neck. All the things that you, your dropped shoulders,
all the things that you do whenever you are attracted. You know, maybe you
soften, like close your eyes just a little bit more. The things that she’s
seen in patterns when guys have been sexually turned on in the past, she’s
going to see in you in that moment. And because you’re doing that while you
have that emotional connection, she’s going to be open to it in that
moment. So, you’re going to be touching as well, obviously, when you get to
the stage of seduction and you’re touching. You’re not going to be, you’re
going to stop taking your hands off of her. You’re going to start, just,
touch, when you want to move your hand from her shoulder down to her hand.
You’re going to slide it from her shoulder to her hand. That’s another very
important thing to know.

You’re also going to bring back some of that playfulness. Try looking at
her mouth often whenever she’s talking, whenever you’re talking. It kind of
looks like, you know, just like subtle dropping down of your eyes looking
at her mouth like that. Just very subtle. And she’ll start to pick up on
all these things subconsciously. Now, you don’t want to make her as
consciously aware of the seduction. Though I have done that and it does
work. To be honest. Once they’re in the stage of seduction, there’s really
nothing they can do to resist that. If you do it properly. So, that’s why I
think it’s really important that you take full responsibility. And you
don’t bring someone into seduction that doesn’t want to go there.

So, what I would say to do, is to think about something seductive yourself
that turns you on. While you’re talking about something deep, you know, and
emotional. You want to look at her mouth often. Kind of go back and forth
between her eyes and her mouth often when you’re talking. You want to touch
her in a more soft and sort of sexual way. Your personality is going to be
that of a man now and less of like, you know, less of a friend, and less of
a boy having fun. You’re going to be more manly, and more powerful. When
you touch her, touch her softly but firmly. Don’t, like, have a limp wrist
or anything whenever you’re touching her. But, also don’t squeeze her too
hard or, like, yank her towards you, or pull her towards you or anything.
You want to make sure that you’re still being soft. ‘Cuz she’s delicate,
she’s a woman. You know? You want to make sure that you don’t overpower her
too much in a negative way or less she won’t feel comfortable with you
physically. The whole point here is to make her comfortable with you
physically, emotionally, and sexually. All at the same time. And, this is
sort of a perfect storm for doing that.

Another thing you can do that I’ve done often in the past, is whenever you
start to get into that stage of seduction with a woman where you are,
you’re starting to see her sort of respond back to you, and you want to
push things sexual, you’re going to have to get a kiss probably first. And
the hardest thing, and I taught this earlier, the thing that I’ve learned
that hands down is the best thing to say, when you start to see her getting
turned on like that sexually around you, or like looking at your mouth and
thinking about kissing you. I had a video on this before, where she’s
trying elating, can tell if she’s trying elating by whether or not she’s
looking at your mouth over and over again whenever you’re talking to her.
And as soon as she starts doing that, you want to say, and I quote,” it’s
Okay”. And she’ll say, “what, what do you mean, what’s Okay?” And you want
to say, “it’s Okay, you can kiss me. I want to kiss you, too.” And that’s
it. And then just, that’s it. Usually you won’t have to lean in, you can
usually take her by the hand and pull her toward you. And she’ll start to
lean forward, and then, just slowly go in for the kiss. Take your time with
it. Don’t try to rush in and go crazy. Really, like, even as she gets
closer, draw your head back a little bit and smile, you know? Just a little
bit. And then pull her in a little closer and kiss her. And from there,
things go very quickly. I mean, it can go from zero to 60 very fast at that
moment, so.

So, that’s why you go into seduction, a few seductive techniques. That’s
just a few of what are like hundreds that I know, that work. So, check that
out, and try it out. And go and comment below again. And tomorrow you’ll
get another special email from me as well. Check it out. And I will talk to
you then. It’s been a pleasure. And expect a lot more free content from me.
And if you do want to dive in ahead first, you can go and do that anytime
you want to. And, grab a copy of the Tao of Badass, so I’ll talk to you
soon, brother. And go and comment below, and I will see you tomorrow.
