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Flirt Effectively For Fun And Get Results

Flirt Effectively For FunWhether you’re an aspiring pick-up artist, want to improve your game with woman, or are simply interested in understanding how to communicate more effectively with people, knowing how to flirt is an essential skill.

Not Just a Simple Flirt

Before you can truly get started with learning how to flirt, there are two essential facts to understand. The first is that flirting is a learned phenomenon. You may not be good at flirting now, but with a bit of theory and a lot of practice, you’ll soon be flirting comfortably and effectively. While it is true that some people are just born knowing how to flirt, for the vast majority of the people you see who just seem to ‘know what they’re doing,’ they’ve actually spent hours practicing.

The second essential fact is that flirting is not something to be taken lightly. While we often misuse the term ‘flirt,’ the act, at its core, is a way of judging whether someone is interested in what you are offering. While we often think of flirting as something done between love-struck teenagers, understanding how to gauge someone’s interest is a skill valuable in several disparate aspects of life.

Put Your Best Foot Forward

In addition to allowing you to gauge her interest, flirting is a way for you to demonstrate your value; your best personality traits. In social situation, both men and women are attracted to a combination of playfulness and intelligence. Try to put these qualities on display as much as possible. Becomingtheplayer.com suggests the following:

Be playful, funny, and smart. This is a killer combination that women can’t resist. Try to think of stories that you tell that show off these traits. Being able to have smart and funny comebacks to whatever she says also works well.

Work on a few set stories that you can use to demonstrate your best qualities. However, you have to walk a fine line between demonstrating your value and sounding like a braggart. One way to solve this dilemma is by prepping your wingmen with great stories about yourself, and asking them for their own best stories. Nothing works better in a pickup situation than social proof.

Use Non Verbal Cues

Especially when flirting with women, non-verbal cues can make or break your game. Women are masters of body language, which means that you need to be extremely conscious of what your body language is saying until you get it down to practice.

One of the most important areas of body language that you need to be aware of is movement; how much space you take up, where you position yourself, and how you move. Different movement styles send different messages to the people you’re with. According to Gobeyonddating.com;

You probably realize by now that body language is a subtle business. More so with body movement. For example, if you are moving fast, it could convey that you are nervous, or simply energized and excited. If you move slowly, it could mean that you are depressed. It could also mean that you are feeling confident and relaxed.

With a lot of body language, the most important part is the message. You want to be able to synchronize your words with your tone and your movements to send a unified and complete message. When you mix these up, you can end up sending mixed signals to the person with whom you’re talking.

Keep these principles in mind, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming more effective at flirting, and just more effective at communication in general. Remember that the main purposes of flirting are to demonstrate value and to determine if she is interested in you, and always be conscious of your body language, movement, and tone. Lastly, don’t forget that flirting is a learned phenomenon. All the theory in the world won’t help you unless you actually get out there and do it.

If you are ready to step up your “game” then check out this video now.
