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3 Advanced Muscle Building Tips

When your trying to build muscle without fat, nutrition is the biggest factor of if you’ll be able to do it or not.

I found this great video from Kyle Leon of where he spills 3 advanced muscle building tips that deal with just this.

Check it out.  I’ve also attached the transcript of the video below.  Who’s hookin’ you up? 🙂

If you want to check out Kyle Leon’s Muscle Building Program, click here.

Hey, it’s Kyle Leon here. As promised, in today’s short video, I’m going to reveal three advanced techniques to you that are going to have you on your way to building lean muscle without fat by this time next week.

So I’m going to stay within the most important topic of all when it comes
to physique development. This topic, of course, is nutrition. Now you’ve
probably heard a million times that nutrition is by far the biggest factor
in how you look. You’ve probably heard saying like, ‘Abs are made in the
kitchen.’ And ‘You can’t out train a bad diet.’ And the reason why you’ve
heard these sayings is because they’re true.

If you ask any fitness model or body builder what the most important factor
is in how you look, that’s exactly what you’ll be told. Now I’m a nutrition
guy and I can talk nutrition with you for hours, but what I want to do with
you today is cover the main topic that I feel will benefit you the most
with the information I can give you.

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This topic is called Systematic Nutrabolism. This just means optimizing our
nutrition to maximize muscle without fat. Now when we’re trying to build
muscle without fat, you’ve undoubtedly heard about protein, protein,
protein. And yes, I understand protein is important. Protein is the
building block of muscle, and protein is important to keep high, regardless
of whether or not your trying to build muscle or lose fat.

But getting your ideal protein intake down, and getting your fat intake
down, for that matter, is not challenging. You’re going to be able to
accomplish that fairly easily. What is a little bit of a different story,
though, is your carbohydrate intake.

Now keeping that in mind, let’s dive into three techniques of Systematic
Nutrabolism. One, carbohydrate capitalization. This technique is used with
a lot of success by many people. Basically, this technique involves
structuring the majority of your daily carbohydrates around your workouts,
pre- and post-workout. If you’re looking for a rule of thumb, I would go
70/30. That means 70% of your daily carbohydrates should be consumed
throughout your pre-, and your post-workout window. The other 30%
preferable would come first thing in the morning.

Two, somatofy your nutrition. This just means adjusting your nutrition to
your somatotype. Body type is another word for somatotype, and you might
have heard of the three basic body types by now. There are ectomorph,
mesomorph, and endomorph. All of the different body types that you haven’t
heard of do play a difference.

You see, on that pendulem with ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph, in
between, there are many different variations of body types, that a lot of
people have not talked about yet, and only some of the higher world-
renowned nutritionists and sports nutritionist are identifying the way
these different body types react to different nutrients, especially
carbohydrates. Carbohydrates tend to affect the different body types in a
more drastic manner than other macronutrients.

Keeping that in mind, I’d like to give you a few tips that might help you
maximize lean muscle gains, without fat, even though I don’t know you or
your body type. If you’re on the ecotomorphic side, meaning that you have a
very, difficult time putting on weight, putting on muscle, and you’re
naturally very, very skinny, with small bonds, small wrists, you’re going
to benefit from really manipulating your higher glycemic carbohydrates,
especially around your work out windows. You can afford to go with higher
glycemic carbohydrates and higher content of your carbohydrates, throughout
the day.

That’s the one macronutrient that I would look to manipulate, if you’re
not moving toward your physique development goals. So if week after week
goes by and you’re not gaining like you should, that’s the one macro-
nutrient I’d go into my diet plan and I would ramp that up as aggressively
as I can, until I start noticing that I’m putting on fat.

That being said, if you’re, conversely, on the endomorphic side, and you
put on fat easily, you’re in a different boat. You’re very, very sensitive
to carbohydrate intake. You need to be very careful about your utilization
of carbohydrates and you should specifically stick to complex carbohydrates
surrounding your work out. But other than that, you don’t really want to
dive into, A, any high glycemic carbohydrates, and really lay off the
carbohydrates at other times of the day.

That being said, I think we’re in a good place for you to understand that
there’s different body types out there that respond differently to certain
nutrition plans, and finding the right nutrient plan for your body type, is
something that you should best some time towards, by measuring your results
of your current nutrition plan, if you’re not moving towards your physique
development goals quickly.

Three. Adjust your nutrition to your weight training regimen. This is one
mistake that is easily avoided, that I see a lot of guys making, that’s
actually hurting themselves more than they understand.

You see, you could have the very best generic meal plan from a book,
magazine, or online report, that says, ‘I’m suppose to have this for meal
1, this for meal 2, this for meal three.’ As you know, it’s not customized
for you, for your body type, but it’s also not customized for your weight
training regimen. You need to understand and adapt and adjust your
nutrition to your weight training regimen.

A lot of guys will work out at night, but then not have their post work out
carb meal, and not have their post work out protein intake, like they
should, because they feel it’s late at night and they don’t want to put on
fat. That’s not how it works. You need to go ahead and have the proper pre
and post workout nutrition and meals set up for you no matter what time
you’re working out.

That’s the main message I wanted to discuss with you about adjusting your
nutrition to your training regimen. I think those three tips will help you.
I know they helped me. I hope they help you the same way they helped me.

With all of that being said, the last piece of advice that I want to leave
you with is this. Go ahead and measure your results no matter what plan
you’re on. No matter what training or nutrition plan you’re on. Everybody’s
different. This is why some of the best pro body builders and fitness
models hire professional nutrition and training coaches to adapt the
programs to them.

You can’t just blindly follow something if it’s not working for you. Your
job is to measure your results and adjust accordingly. The nutrition tips
that I’ve given you today I think will help you go into your nutrition plan
and adjust some things to see if that makes a difference, if you’re not
already experiencing the results that you want.

But the idea is make sure you measure your results. After a few weeks, if
it’s not working, change. We’re all about evolving and changing and
learning what’s best for our particular bodies, our training schedules, and
our work schedules, our life, everything, needs to be adjusted for what’s
best for us. You can’t blindly follow something and just hope that one day
it’s going to start working for you.

I don’t want to sound preachy, or anything like that, but this is important
stuff to me, and when I learned it, it really, really helped, and I hope
that I was able to help you in any way that I could. Thank you for very,
very much for your time. I hope that was helpful, and we’ll talk to you

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