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3 Most Common And Avoidable Dating Mistakes

The dating game is one of the hardest games there is. Men struggle to understand women, women want to change men, we stumble over our answers, forget questions we wanted to ask and generally behave like two year old’s without even meaning to. Numerous potential relationships are ruined within the first few dates, mainly because men make certain dating mistakes. Here are the 3 most common ones, and it is likely that you will recognize yourself in some of these too. Learn how to avoid making them so your next date isn’t ruined before it even starts.

“It seems that although two people may get along great on the phone or online, the real test comes when they get together and spend quality time on a date. This is where the game is either won or lost and if a person makes some of the most common dating mistakes, they will more than likely not get a second chance to make amends.”

States SugarDaddy.com.

Mistake #1 – Game Playing

A lot of people are worried about getting rejected, and quite rightly so. However, instead of facing those fears head on, they adopt a persona that is not them, a person of someone who couldn’t care less about what happens next. That is a very unattractive look. Also, some people play games because they turn themselves into someone they think the other will find attractive. The best tip you will ever get in the dating game is to be yourself. This way, if you get rejected, you at least know it isn’t your fault and that it was simple incompatibility. According to Psychology Today

“It’s OK to put your best foot forward, and also to be a bit cautious, but have the courage to be upfront and show who you are.”

Mistake #2 – Dressing Badly

This is a hard balance to strike. A man who is too well dresses is seen as either arrogant or gay. A man who looks like a hobo is seen as, well, a hobo. You have to care about your appearance but in such a way that it looks like a natural look. You have to show who you are in yourself, yet at the same time show her that you have made an effort to groom yourself. Men tend to be quite useless at color coordinating, so ask a friend – female if possible – to tell you whether you look good or not. That way, you know you won’t go out looking like a clown either. Men in pink shirts are a big no-no, unless your date is with a girl who works in fashion herself. Those in the fashion circles think it is “super stylish”, whereas those outside of the fashion circle think men in pink shirts are followers. Stay away from them! A Top Dating Coach has stated:

“Take time to groom yourself, get that all important haircut, show your clothes the iron and put on something that matches the occasion.”

Mistake #3 – Not Showing Your Intentions

Women want to know where they stand. Fair enough, you don’t need to propose to them within a minute of meeting them, but they at least want to know whether or not you are interested by the end of the date. The old trick of stretching out and putting your arm around her in the movie theater may be corny, but it works really well and makes it clear to your date that she likes her. Women don’t generally like to make the first move, particularly not if you haven’t made it clear in some way that you are at least interested. As explained by Health Guidance

“Of course this is a big mistake as it leaves your date as unsure whether you are interested in them or not. If they go away thinking you just want to be friends then this can be a serious blow and very hard to turn around.”
